Type of computer power cable

There are several types of computer power cables, including AC adapters, USB, Thunderbolt, and VGA/SVGA. Each has a certain purpose and use. Power cable is the main way the computer gets power. This provides power and connects important components, such as CPUs and graphics cards. Various types of cables are different in watts and connectors. If you have several devices that are connected to the same resource, you will need one with a different connector.

The ribbon and twisted power cable is a good choice if you have a simple settings. The tape cable contains four to twelve cables and is used most commonly to connect two network devices, while the bent pair cable consists of a color code pair from isolated copper cable. The diameter of the wire varies from 0.4 to 0.8mm and the number of wire pairs depends on the type of cable you are looking for. The best is to get the right type for your needs.

ATX cable supplies power to the motherboard and other devices. This cable is compatible with both types. Twenty-Pin connector is compatible with a four-pin connector. Most 24-pin cables can be divided into two twenty-pin connectors and four pins. That way, the twenty-pin connector will work in the AGP slot. If your motherboard does not have the appropriate connector, you can use a four -pin cable instead.

Medical -level Computer power cables are also available. You can get a computer power cable that is ranked for medical use, including battery reserves and surgery protectors. DATAPRO 9310 Computer power cables are equipped with a power switch that is illuminated and the fuse holder. If the power cable is tangled in the cash, you can connect it to the power strip or surge, if necessary. The third option is the battery reserve unit.

Molex connectors have been replaced by PCI-E and SATA cables, and have become almost obsolete. Instead of connecting two devices to the motherboard, you will now find SATA and PCI-E power cables. SATA connector is L -shaped and is used to provide hard drive power and other modern devices. SATA cables and PATA are compatible with the same device, and can be exchanged. This makes it easy to replace the device without damaging your motherboard.

Micro-USB cables can generally be exchanged, so you don't need to worry about buying several same versions. However, long micro-USB cables can be difficult to carry and can be tangled. However, micro-USB cables with a length of three feet are ideal to charge your device when you are far from power outlets. In the end, the length of the cable depends on your personal preferences and conditions.

Computer power cables are generally two legs long, with one end extending more than one meter. If you use a projector, monitor, or Xbox 360 console, you will need a longer cable that suits your video game system. If you don't have a longer cable, you can use a smaller one that is two legs long. A two meter cable is more than enough to connect the laptop to the console.


5 Things You Need to Know About Qui Tam Lawsuits

What Is a Qui Tam Lawsuit?

A qui tam lawsuit is a type of whistleblower lawsuit in which an employee or contractor, called a “relator” in legal terms, brings suit on behalf of the government. These suits are also referred to as whistleblower lawsuits. They typically involve the detection and reporting of false claims against the government (fraud against the government) by the company's owners. An employee blowing the whistle on their employer and bringing suit on behalf of the government so they can recover related damages is called a Whistleblower Lawsuit. Successful whistleblowers are entitled to receive up to 30% of the damages and penalties recovered by the government as a result of their actions. Below are more details about these types of lawsuits, including eligibility requirements, possible risks, and examples of qui tam cases that have resulted in significant whistleblower award.

Requirements to File a Qui Tam Lawsuit

First, you should know several conditions must be met for you to file a qui tam action. First, the fraud must have been committed against the government, agencies, or programs. The most obvious and common examples of this type of fraud include Medicare fraud, Medicaid fraud, and defense contractor fraud.  Second, you must be an employee or contractor who was or is involved with the government contract in question. In other words, this means you must have firsthand knowledge of the actual fraud committed against the government to be eligible to file a qui tam lawsuit.  Finally, you must file the action within 6 years of the time you first learned about the fraud. This is called the statute of limitations, and it applies to every qui tam action.

Possible Risks in Filing a Qui Tam Lawsuit

There are several possible risks involved in filing a qui tam lawsuit, including the following. You may experience retaliation in the form of a decrease in pay or other employment benefits. You may also face other forms of retaliation from your employer, such as being demoted or fired.  However, these risks are minimized because the government affords certain protections for whistleblowers. The False Claims Act protects against retaliation: Whistleblowers may not be harassed, threatened, demoted, fired, or otherwise discriminated against because of their decision to come forward. Other risks include receiving a lower financial award if you are successful in your lawsuit. This is where an experienced whistleblower attorney can help. If you are considering blowing the whistle but have concerns, talk to a whistleblower lawyer who can further explain the process and the merits of your case.

Examples of Whistleblower Awards

These are a few examples of whistleblower award cases that have resulted in significant awards for the whistleblower.  As a reward for blowing the whistle on GlaxoSmithKline in 2012, four whistleblowers split an estimated $250 million reward. As part of a larger, $16.65 billion payout, whistleblowers shared a $170 million reward for exposing Bank of America's fraudulent practice of labeling high-risk mortgages as safe and selling them to government-insured mortgage companies. In 2012, Johnson & Johnson paid $2.2 billion to settle off-label fraud and kickback allegations related to the prescription drugs Risperdal, Natrecor and Invega. The whistleblower received $167 million in rewards. Tenet Healthcare paid $900 million to settle allegations that it engaged in bill padding, upcoded DRG codes, paid kickbacks and fraudulently manipulated Medicare outlier payments. For reporting the fraud, the whistleblower received $150 million in 2006.


If you work in a government contracting company and have knowledge of fraud committed against the government, you can file a qui tam lawsuit on behalf of the government. Such lawsuits are also referred to as whistleblower lawsuits. If your qui tam action is successful, you will receive a percentage of the damages recovered by the government as a result of your action.  Contact a whistleblower attorney today if you are thinking about blowing the whistle.


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